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  • Modern agricultural industrial consortium: let 1: 1, 1: 1, 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1

    Modern agricultural industrial consortium: let 1: 1, 1: 1, 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1

    The establishment of modern agricultural industrial consortium is the background of building an agricultural management system that combines intensification, specialization, organization and socialization by adhering to the household contract management system, cultivating new agricultural operators, developing various forms of large-scale operation, and constructing intensive, specialized, organized and socialized agricultural management system.

    2016-03-20 Modern agriculture industry consortium Jean 1century 1amp modern agriculture
  • Pear in syrup

    Pear in syrup

    Production method 1. Fruit selection: do not choose raw or overripe fruits, pears are ripe until yellow and slippery, and pears that are prone to discoloration such as rotten, mulberry, iron head, diseases and insect pests and apples are selected. The core temperature is above 5 ℃. two。 Pick the handle and peel it: first pick the pear handle and peel it mechanically. 3. Cut the seed nest in half and dig the seed nest in half longitudinally, dig out the seed nest and pedicle tendons, cut and trim into a complete 1 stick and 2 pieces. In the process of treatment, the fruit pieces must be immersed in 1: 2% salt water to protect the color, and the process should be shortened as much as possible.

  • The Spring Festival rationing of gin starts at the end of the year.

    The Spring Festival rationing of gin starts at the end of the year.

    Jinmen County Spring Festival wine purchase operation for 103 years will officially start from December 31 and will continue to be launched in various townships until 1 / 5 next year. Those who are eligible can apply for 1 dozen 12 bottles of 1L53 specially selected Jinmen sorghum wine (NT $4800). Lu Zhihui, secretary general of the county government, was at the meeting.

  • The effect of soaking orchid plant with rice vinegar solution

    The effect of soaking orchid plant with rice vinegar solution

    The effect of soaking orchid plant with rice vinegar solution

  • What are the effects of corn foliar fertilizer?

    What are the effects of corn foliar fertilizer?

    The application of maize foliar fertilizer can increase yield, improve disease resistance, promote growth, reduce soil pollution and rapidly supplement nutrition, which is a common operation in the process of maize topdressing. In addition to foliar fertilizer, there are the following topdressing time and things to know.

    2020-11-08 Corn foliar fertilizer function what corn
  • You deserve to have these longevity flower cuttings. Hurry up and make up the lesson.

    You deserve to have these longevity flower cuttings. Hurry up and make up the lesson.

    In the editor's impression, the longevity flower is the same as the sunflower, with extremely indomitable vitality. In fact, this is true, there are many ways to reproduce longevity flowers, but in order to reduce the workload of friends, the editor.

  • Five key points of River Crab Culture in Autumn

    Five key points of River Crab Culture in Autumn

    As the saying goes: the autumn wind is loud and the crab's feet are itchy. This means that when autumn comes, crabs begin to come ashore, which is generally a sign of sexual maturity. Therefore, this is a critical period of the year for crab farming, and a small detail determines the success or failure of crab farming. Personally, I think this

    2020-11-08 Autumn river crab breeding five main points as the saying goes autumn wind ring
  • Seven simple and feasible preservation methods of edible bacteria

    Seven simple and feasible preservation methods of edible bacteria

    Seven simple and feasible preservation methods of edible bacteria

  • How to fertilize sunflowers?

    How to fertilize sunflowers?

    How to fertilize sunflowers? Please give instructions for the cultivation of sunflowers can refer to the following methods of fertilization: 1 the law of fertilizer demand of sunflowers sunflower is a crop that needs more fertilizer. From the formation of the disk to the flowering stage, it is the peak of fertilizer demand for sunflowers. More phosphorus is needed from seedling emergence to disk formation, and from disk formation to bloom.

  • The breeding methods and matters needing attention of tiger orchid, and what are the breeding methods of tiger skin orchid?

    The breeding methods and matters needing attention of tiger orchid, and what are the breeding methods of tiger skin orchid?

    Tiger skin orchid is a common potted plant, also known as tiger tail orchid, thousand years old, is a perennial herb. Tiger Pilan has a strong ability to purify the air, can absorb more than 80% of indoor harmful gases, especially formaldehyde, and can

    2019-04-05 Tiger skin orchid breeding method and matters needing attention
  • Culture method of bonsai of four seasons cinnamon

    Culture method of bonsai of four seasons cinnamon

    Four Seasons Cinnamomum is a precious flower in China, which not only has a wide range of viewers, but also has high economic value, and is deeply loved by people. But if you want to raise four seasons cinnamon is not so easy, how to raise four seasons cinnamon, from the following five.

  • How much is the price of cypress bonsai? How do you trim it? How much is a seedling? How to maintain it?

    How much is the price of cypress bonsai? How do you trim it? How much is a seedling? How to maintain it?

    Sabina vulgaris, also known as cypress, evergreen shrubs. The back of the leaf is blue-green, and the leaf base grows downward. Cones globose, bluish. It contains 2-3 seeds. So how much is the price of cypress bonsai? How do you trim it? How much is a seedling? How to maintain it? Learn from Changsha Garden Base

  • Bonsai material-Sabina bonsai

    Bonsai material-Sabina bonsai

    Ground cypress generally has no upright trunk, dense branches and leaves, distinct layers, small green leaves, evergreen four seasons, elegant posture, long life, easy to shape. Sabina vulgaris has strong adaptability and can grow well in the south and north, so it is a good material for making bonsai. 1. Tree-shaped ground cypress branches are thin and long, and soft, suitable for cliff type, curved dry type, horizontal dry type and a variety of birds, animals and other animal forms. Cypress modeling should be more flat binding, less pruning, flat binding material can be made of wire or brown wire, after the general outline is finished, according to the needs of modeling, should

  • How to raise shrimp well in midsummer

    How to raise shrimp well in midsummer

    In the high temperature season in midsummer, hot weather, strong light, high water temperature and poor water quality affect the foraging and molting growth of shrimp, which can easily lead to disease and death of shrimp. Farmers should do a good job in the following management work in the high temperature season: with the increase of water temperature and the growth of shrimp, the water depth should be continuously increased, especially in the middle and later stages of culture, the water level must be increased to 1.8m~2m, and the high temperature period should be kept above 2.2m. During the high temperature period, full drainage and full irrigation should be carried out, and the water temperature should be controlled within 30 ℃, so that the transparency of the water can reach 35cm.

  • How much is the price of cypress bonsai? How do you trim it? How much is a seedling? How to maintain it?

    How much is the price of cypress bonsai? How do you trim it? How much is a seedling? How to maintain it?

    Sabina vulgaris, also known as cypress, evergreen shrubs. The back of the leaf is blue-green, and the leaf base grows downward. Cones globose, bluish. It contains 2-3 seeds. So how much is the price of cypress bonsai? How do you trim it? How much is a seedling? How to maintain it? From Changsha Garden Base

    2020-11-09 Paving cypress bonsai price more less money how pruning seedlings
  • Do you know these self-made flower fertilizer methods?

    Do you know these self-made flower fertilizer methods?

    Chinese medicine residue is a good fertilizer, Chinese medicine residue after decocting, is a very good kind of fertilizer for flowers and vegetables. Because most of the traditional Chinese medicine is the root, stem, leaf, flower, fruit, skin of plants, and the limbs, organs, shells of animals, as well as some minerals, rich in organic and inorganic substances

  • Ten attentions should be paid to the immunization of chickens.

    Ten attentions should be paid to the immunization of chickens.

    1. Chicken vaccine, also known as antigen, is a kind of biological products. Can be divided into toxic vaccine, toxic vaccine, virulent vaccine. The production method is divided into freeze-dried vaccine and wet vaccine, and the preservation method is also different. freeze-dried vaccine should be kept in a frozen freezer, wet vaccine is also called liquid vaccine, and it should be kept in a freezer of 0 ℃ ~ 8 ℃. Because the freezing equipment in rural areas is incomplete, most chicken farmers are not rich and do not have a refrigerator. Therefore, it must be used now, especially in summer, when you get the vaccine home, you must add ice to cool down, and the most

  • What are the tips for keeping bees in spring? What are the precautions?

    What are the tips for keeping bees in spring? What are the precautions?

    Honey is a common food in our lives, loved by consumers, and more and more people are cultured artificially. Honey farming is not simple, let's take a look at the tips of raising bees in spring. What are the precautions? 1. What are the skills of raising bees

    2020-11-11 spring keeping bees tips have which precautions honey
  • Culture methods of four Seasons Cinnamomum

    Culture methods of four Seasons Cinnamomum

    1. The temperature of Cinnamomum chinense is 18 ℃ to 25 ℃, when it blossoms more; if it is lower than 15 ℃, it will blossom less; 3 ℃ to 5 ℃ can survive the winter, but will not blossom. So if you want it to develop more, you need to control the temperature.

  • How to raise green pineapple in water

    How to raise green pineapple in water

    Cuttage propagation of hydroponic green pineapple is mainly propagated by cutting method. The branches of 15 cm to 30 cm are cut in late spring and early summer, and the leaves of 1 to 2 nodes at the base are removed. They are directly potted with culture soil, 3 to 5 in each pot, watered and planted in a cool and ventilated place to keep the basin soil moist.
